Build a calculator with basic functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This project sharpens your skills in DOM manipulation, JavaScript logic, and CSS design. You will be building this project as part of our JavaScript Course.
Resources: No external resources required.
Things you need to know: Box shadow, Background Color, Browser Events, DOM Manipulation.
Set initial display text to 0, which will update as numbers are entered or calculations are performed.
Below this, add:
All the number buttons from 1 to 9, along with 0
A decimal point (.
An equals button (=
Add a dedicated section for calculator operations:
Include buttons for addition (+
), subtraction (-
), multiplication (×
), and division (÷
Also, add extra action buttons for:
Clear (C
) to reset calculations.
Delete (Del
) to remove the last digit entered.
Remainder (%
) for modulus operations.
Exponent (Exp
) for raising a number to a power.
Arrange buttons in the layout as shown in the provided image.
Next, add another section for the calculator actions, like add (+), subtract (-), multiply (×), and divide (÷).
Also, include buttons for other actions like clear (C), delete (Del), calculating the remainder (%) and exponent (Exp).
Maintain the same order as shown in the given image.
Set the `Helvetica`
font for the entire page.
Set the background color to #ecf0f1
, and use #2d2d2d
for the text.
Center the calculator on the page
Give the calculator a snow
background color, rounded corners, and a slight shadow.
Make the result display area a bordered box that aligns text to the right so numbers appear neatly.
Each button should have padding, a slight shadow, and rounded corners.
Make the number buttons lightgray
and the action buttons (like +, -, C) palevioletred
When hovering over buttons, make them slightly larger, and when clicked, make them shrink slightly.
Convert the buttons into a 5 x 4 style grid as per the given image.
Make sure each button aligns neatly and is spaced evenly.
When a number button is clicked, display the number in the result area.
If the current display is 0
or if a prior calculation just completed, replace the display with the new number.
If the display already shows numbers and the user continues typing, append new numbers to the current input.
Handle operation button clicks (+
, -
, ×
, ÷
, .
When an operation button is clicked, store the first number and selected operation.
Clear the display area so the user can enter the second number for the operation.
Set up functionality for the equals button (=
When pressed, perform the calculation based on the selected operation.
Display the result in the display area.
Handle special actions for specific buttons:
Clear (C
): Reset the result display to 0
Delete (Del
): Remove the last digit from the current input in the result area.
Exponent (Exp
): Raise the first number to the power of the second number entered.
Remainder (%
): Calculate and display the remainder when dividing the first number by the second.
These are some of the projects you'll build while learning.